Zane Dickie


There is nothing more satisfying than a customer leaving with a smile on their face, especially if they were originally unhappy.

In my door-to-door sales job we had what was called a point bank based on the free equipment we gave when setting up a customer. Any systems we went over 12 points, we were personally docked in our pay 30.00$ per point over 12. I always went over. The reason why is, imagine you are telling someone you have them completely covered with a security system, but because you wanted to make more money, you skipped out on an extra window sensor, or a CO2 monitor. Then some day, someone breaks in thorugh that window you skipped so you could save yourself 30.00$. I could not tell someone they were fully protected without actually doing so.

Also we were instructed to point our customers towards a 1-800 number once we have set them up so we do not waste time with sales we have already created when we can use that time to be setting up new customers. I did not follow this suggestion. Every customer I set up was giving my cell phone number and I instructed them to always call me instead of the customer service number. Even once I moved back out east I gave all my customers my east coast number, and last summer, although I was technically no longer working for Vivint, I still received calls from some of my customers. I refused to pawn off customers on some external call centre when I personally promised them the best service in the industry. Although I may have been in the wrong job for quality over quantity, i refused to sacrifice customer service for a little extra time to create new customers.

What good is 100 sales if any number of them are unsatisfied?